Fiction can be more revealing than fact, writes author and environmental journalist Alan Weisman. In a post on the new book recommendation website, he shares five “astonishing” novels that can help us understand the times we live in.
There are 16 items tagged:
Climate change

The Homelands Blog
Weisman: No future in gas
In an op-ed for Salon, Homelands’ Alan Weisman says the US must not be tempted to pump more gas to compensate for supply disruptions caused by the war in Ukraine. The author of the bestselling “The World Without Us” writes that a recent visit to Iraq provided yet more evidence of the existential threat posed by fossil fuels.
The Homelands Blog
The town that would transform the world
Senior producer Jonathan Miller tells a hometown story for a national audience in a half-hour piece on Ithaca, New York’s ambitious Green New Deal and what it might mean for hometowns everywhere.
Jonathan Miller
Special Projects
The Town that Would Transform the World
Jonathan Miller
Special Projects
The Town that Would Transform the World
Homelands senior producer Jonathan Miller reports from Ithaca, New York, whose ambitious Green New Deal seeks to deliver drastic cuts in greenhouse gas emissions and major benefits for the community’s most vulnerable members. It’s a hometown story with implications for hometowns everywhere.
The Homelands Blog
Big plans for Big Oil
Sandy Tolan made five trips to North Dakota this past fall and winter to document the standoff between opponents of the Dakota Access Pipeline and the pipeline’s supporters in government and business. As he reported on …
The Homelands Blog
If the current presidential race has soured you on the democratic process, you might seek solace in the latest episode of Scene on Radio, an excellent podcast produced by our old pal John Biewen at Duke University’s Center for Documentary …
The Homelands Blog
Alan Weisman: Have fewer kids
This month, as part of a special issue on the environment, VICE Magazine asked leading thinkers to weigh in with their ideas about what to do about climate change. Below is Homelands’ Alan Weisman‘s essay, based …
Jonathan Miller
Special Projects
Power to the People
Jonathan Miller
Special Projects
Power to the People
As politicians argue about what to do about climate change, communities around the United States are taking matters into their own hands – pledging to reduce their carbon emissions, then hustling to make good on their promises. From Ithaca, NY, an hour-long special for State of the Re:Union.
The Homelands Blog
On SOTRU: Power to the People
We were thrilled to learn that State of the Re:Union, a terrific radio show dreamed up and hosted by poet and playwright Al Letson, has won a Peabody Award. The Peabodys are considered the most prestigious awards in broadcast …
Food for 9 Billion
Exploring the challenge of keeping ourselves fed at a time of rapid social and environmental change.
The Homelands Blog
Congratulations, Sam Eaton!
Sam Eaton, a freelance radio and video producer who contributed 10 of the features in the “Food for 9 Billion” project, has won the Society of Environmental Journalists‘ award for Environmental Beat Reporting in a …
The Homelands Blog
When it comes to feeding the world, nothing will save us
One of the goals of the “Food for 9 Billion” project has been to show that keeping our growing number of selves fed (sustainably, equitably, healthily) is more than just a technical challenge. That’s because …
The Homelands Blog
“What’s for Lunch” takes a global tour of the future of food
Keep your ears open for a new batch of What’s for Lunch radio stories about food and climate change on PRI’s The World. The series, part of the Food for 9 Billion project that Homelands Productions is producing with the Center for …
Sam Eaton
Food for 9 Billion
Farmers in India Find Promise in Ancient Seeds
Sam Eaton
Food for 9 Billion
Farmers in India Find Promise in Ancient Seeds
In India, climate change is forcing farmers to adapt to saltwater intrusion, flooding, and droughts. Scientists are racing to breed a new generation of climate-resilient crops that can survive these changes. But many farmers are turning to the seeds that sustained their ancestors.
The Homelands Blog
Cafeteria lunch: Industrial kitchens dish out climate-friendly cuisine
By now most of us know that what we eat has an impact on the environment. And so more of us are putting our money where our mouths are—or our mouths where our money is—ordering …
Jonathan Miller
Food for 9 Billion
Bangladesh Farmers Confront New Climate Reality
Jonathan Miller
Food for 9 Billion
Bangladesh Farmers Confront New Climate Reality
Bangladesh has made dramatic progress in feeding its people. Can it stop a changing climate from erasing the gains?