“The Territory,” a documentary feature film that provides an up-close look at threats to the Brazilian Amazon, has been accepted in competition at the 2022 Sundance Film Festival. It premieres on January 22. Homelands has served as the project’s nonprofit fiscal sponsor.
There are 19 items tagged:
The Homelands Blog
Going Gray in LA
Los Angeles is a rapidly aging city in a rapidly aging county. In fact, over the next 15 years, LA County’s senior population will double, to nearly one-fifth of the total population. Housing, health care, …
The Homelands Blog
Remembering Cecilia Vaisman
Family, friends, colleagues, and students gathered to celebrate the life and work of Cecilia Vaisman at the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University on January 25, 2016. You can watch a video of the event here. Below are the …
The Homelands Blog
Big year coming (you can help!)
Before we say goodbye to 2014 we thought we’d give you a sneak peek at what we’re cooking up for the year to come. If you feel it’s worth supporting, far be it from us to stand …
The Homelands Blog
Homelands expands social media empire
Move over, Rupert Murdoch. First a website, then a blog, then a Twitter account… now Homelands is making its move on Facebook, a Silicon Valley start-up that describes itself as a “social utility that connects people with friends and …
The Homelands Blog
Introducing Groundwork
On this day after the first presidential primary, we wanted to let you know about an exciting project we’re involved with called Groundwork, organized by the Center for Documentary Studies at Duke University. Through radio …
The Homelands Blog
The world is talking about food
This is a busy month on the feeding-the-world front. October 16 is World Food Day, which means that food and anti-hunger organizations are holding meetings, making statements, handing out prizes, launching campaigns and publishing reports. …
The Homelands Blog
(In)Visible project launches in San Diego
Just a quick heads up about the (In)Visible Project led by photographer and multimedia artist Bear Guerra. The project creates mobile physical exhibits featuring photos and audio of San Diego’s homeless population. It got great …
The Homelands Blog
Check out the Ramallah Café
This is from Sandy Tolan, Homelands co-founder and author of The Lemon Tree, about his new book project and blog. I’ll be spending the summer in the West Bank working on a new book about …
The Homelands Blog
Radio Doc Explores Impact of Crisis on Migrants
A documentary on BBC Radio 4 today looks at the impact of the global economic crisis on migrant workers and the people who depend on them. “Cutting the Lifeline” was reported by Homelands’ Jonathan Miller …
The Homelands Blog
Please Support our Friends at Fonografia Collective
If you believe in the power of multimedia documentary, you’ll want to check out Fonografia Collective. It’s a partnership between a photographer, Bear Guerra, and a print and audio journalist, Ruxandra Guidi, and they do …
The Homelands Blog
New Book Celebrates Craft of Audio Storytelling
Documentary radioheads will definitely want to check out Reality Radio: Telling True Stories in Sound, just published by the University of North Carolina press. The book’s 20 essays are written by “some of the most …
The Homelands Blog
Homelands Wins SDX Award
I’m tickled to report that Homelands has won the 2008 Sigma Delta Chi Award for Radio Feature Reporting from the Society of Professional Journalists. This is for the WORKING project, our collaboration with Marketplace about …
The Homelands Blog
In Kenya, Never Again?
On Saturday we went to a photo exhibit in downtown Nairobi called Kenya Burning, documenting in gut-wrenching detail the post-election violence that erupted between December 2007 and February 2008. More than 1,500 people were murdered, …
The Homelands Blog
For 2009: The Hunger Chronicles
Happy New Year, everyone! I wanted to thank you all for listening to our radio programs and for visiting our burgeoning Internet empire (Homelands.org, this blog, the Worker Browser, the WORKING section of Marketplace.org, Worlds …
The Homelands Blog
Onward to Evanston
This week, as the global economy collapses, Sandy, Cecilia and I head merrily off to the Third Coast International Audio Festival in Evanston, Illinois. It’s an annual meet-up of people who tell stories with sound, …
The Homelands Blog
Into the Blogosphere!
Homelands Productions has been around since 1989, creating public radio features and documentaries, writing articles and books, and generally doing our artfully journalistic (journalistically artful?) bit to promote world peace and understanding. In the last …
Cecilia Vaisman
Special Projects
Cecilia Vaisman
Special Projects
A documentary about a woman who grew up hating blacks in a white Boston neighborhood, and how her attitudes have changed.
Cecilia Vaisman, Katie Davis
Special Projects
The Fire Within
Cecilia Vaisman, Katie Davis
Special Projects
The Fire Within
African-American men in an Illinois prison describe their conversion to Islam in this 1996 documentary.