We wanted to catch you up on the “Food for 9 Billion” project, which has been taking most of our attention lately. As loyal readers will know, Ff9B asks what has to happen for the …
There are 15 items tagged:

Cecilia Vaisman
Food for 9 Billion
Brazil Delivers on Hunger Promise
Cecilia Vaisman
Food for 9 Billion
Brazil Delivers on Hunger Promise
In 2003, the Brazilian government declared that food was a basic human right. Then it found that ending hunger takes a lot more than a declaration.
The Homelands Blog
And here are the links to the Philippines stories…
Rather than revise our previous post, we thought we’d give you a little list of links to today’s stories on Marketplace and PBS NewsHour, and to some of the extra elements that went live today. …
The Homelands Blog
Powerful reporting from the Horn of Africa
Some really impressive work by the Fault Lines team at Al Jazeera English on the political and historical roots of the crisis in the Horn of Africa. See this 24-minute program about the origins of …
The Homelands Blog
The population elephant
A few comments on Marketplace’s story page for the first piece in the Food for 9 Billion series talk about the need to control population. It’s an important point, and one of our upcoming pieces, …
The Homelands Blog
“Food for 9 Billion” launches today!
We at Homelands Productions have been talking about doing a series on hunger and food security since before the “WORKING” series was finished in 2009. We’re finally there, with the first two pieces scheduled to …
The Homelands Blog
The world is talking about food
This is a busy month on the feeding-the-world front. October 16 is World Food Day, which means that food and anti-hunger organizations are holding meetings, making statements, handing out prizes, launching campaigns and publishing reports. …
The Homelands Blog
Hungry in America: A Healthy Difference
Please check out the fourth and final installment in the multimedia series “Hungry in America” on the AARP website. “A Healthy Difference” was reported by Homelands’ Jonathan Miller with photography and video by Alex Webb …
The Homelands Blog
A Harvest Out of Reach
Homelands senior producer Cecilia Vaisman, Magnum photographer Susan Meiselas and the production team at Magnum in Motion have created a powerful multimedia feature about the struggles of farm workers to meet their basic food needs …
The Homelands Blog
Hungry in America: Hard Choices
The second piece is now up in AARP’s multimedia series about hunger among older Americans. “Hard Choices” was reported by Homelands’ Sandy Tolan, with photos and video by Larry Towell of Magnum. Magnum in Motion …
The Homelands Blog
Multimedia Series Highlights Hunger Among Seniors
Homelands producers Jonathan Miller, Sandy Tolan, Cecilia Vaisman and longtime collaborator Deborah George are teaming up with Magnum Photos on “Hungry in America,” a four-part multimedia series commissioned by AARP. The first piece, “A Little …
The Homelands Blog
New Series Exposes Food Crisis in California
After more than four months of reporting, Homelands co-founder Sandy Tolan and his students at USC’s Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism have launched a powerful (and disturbing) multimedia series about hunger in California. “Hunger …
The Homelands Blog
For 2009: The Hunger Chronicles
Happy New Year, everyone! I wanted to thank you all for listening to our radio programs and for visiting our burgeoning Internet empire (Homelands.org, this blog, the Worker Browser, the WORKING section of Marketplace.org, Worlds …
The Homelands Blog
Life After Third Coast
The Third Coast Festival has come and gone. What an amazing community we indie producers have managed to create! Two and a half days of hugs, grins, coffee, wine, and dancing. Oh, and networking, workshopping, …
Sandy Tolan
Searching for Solutions
Food for a Billion Indians
Sandy Tolan
Searching for Solutions
Food for a Billion Indians
It’s growing increasingly difficult for food production to keep pace with population growth. In India, failure could spell disaster.