In a June 30 op-ed in the Los Angeles Times, Homelands’ Alan Weisman reports on resistance to Enbridge Inc.’s Line 3 pipeline on the grounds that it will add to global temperature rise and imperil vital waterways. Alan was arrested while covering anti-pipeline protests in early June.
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The Homelands Blog
Jacobson’s photos document life on pipeline route
As the U.S. Senate prepares to vote on the Keystone XL Pipeline this week, we thought we’d let you know about a terrific photo essay from the path of the proposed pipeline that recently appeared in Politico. Photographer …
Chris Brookes
Oil Worker
Chris Brookes
Oil Worker
Blair Ghent left a good job in Toronto to return home to rural Newfoundland. But work is hard to come by on the island, and soon he found himself joining thousands of unemployed Newfoundlanders commuting 3,000 miles to the oil sands fields of Alberta.