The documentary film The Territory, produced by Documist, purchased by National Geographic, and now streaming on Disney+, has added a prestigious Peabody Award to its long list of achievements. Homelands is proud to serve as fiscal sponsor for the film’s impact campaign and other activities.
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The Homelands Blog
Battle for the heavens
For astronomers, building an enormous telescope on Hawaii’s Mauna Kea volcano could be a “Galileo moment” — a chance to “peer through space-time to the beginning of the universe.” For many Native Hawaiians, it would be …
Cecilia Vaisman, Alan Weisman
Vanishing Homelands
Argentina’s Guaraní Indians
Cecilia Vaisman, Alan Weisman
Vanishing Homelands
Argentina’s Guaraní Indians
Once the largest tribe in South America, the Guaraní have nearly all left their native forests. But one last band is holding out.
Cecilia Vaisman, Alan Weisman
Vanishing Homelands
Homelands Regained
Cecilia Vaisman, Alan Weisman
Vanishing Homelands
Homelands Regained
In Colombia, the Paez Indians have resorted to guerrilla insurrection to reclaim their ancestral territory from the great landed families of Spanish descent.