Please check out the fourth and final installment in the multimedia series “Hungry in America” on the AARP website. “A Healthy Difference” was reported by Homelands’ Jonathan Miller with photography and video by Alex Webb …
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The Homelands Blog
A Harvest Out of Reach
Homelands senior producer Cecilia Vaisman, Magnum photographer Susan Meiselas and the production team at Magnum in Motion have created a powerful multimedia feature about the struggles of farm workers to meet their basic food needs …
The Homelands Blog
Hungry in America: Hard Choices
The second piece is now up in AARP’s multimedia series about hunger among older Americans. “Hard Choices” was reported by Homelands’ Sandy Tolan, with photos and video by Larry Towell of Magnum. Magnum in Motion …
The Homelands Blog
Multimedia Series Highlights Hunger Among Seniors
Homelands producers Jonathan Miller, Sandy Tolan, Cecilia Vaisman and longtime collaborator Deborah George are teaming up with Magnum Photos on “Hungry in America,” a four-part multimedia series commissioned by AARP. The first piece, “A Little …