WORKING Featured on Chicago Public Radio

Happy Labor Day! The documentary program Re:sound devoted this weekend’s show to the WORKING series, airing six profiles along with clips from a conversation between me and show host Gwen Macsai. It’s a good introduction to the project if you haven’t heard any of the pieces. You can listen online by clicking here. You can also download the podcast. Re:sound is produced by the Third Coast International Audio Festival.

The Sigma Delta Chi awards ceremony in Indianapolis last week was good fun. Inspiring to learn about the other winning projects, many of them investigative reports requiring courage and perseverance. The plaque they gave me was too big to fit in my carry-on bag!


P.S. I’m off to Nairobi for a very quick work trip starting Tuesday, and (barring plane problems) will be back just in time to fly off to Cleveland for the Public Radio Programming Conference. If you’ll be there, and you’re reading this, I’d love to say hello.